Hello friends of onlinepokeraffiliate.org, you probably found
this blog post when attempting to visit that site, as most of
you likely know me as “MJ” from
PokerAffiliateListings.com – I’ve just found I can
no longer keep the blog up, instead I’m planning on
blogging my exploits, vents, and general poker affiliate
thoughts here at OnlinePokerSites.net as it makes more sense.
Because we have taken the site down, I’d like to first acknowledge a few friends who are probably still linking to OPA.org – It would be awesome if blogs would update links to the home, but I certainly owe some credit where it’s due to some affiliates who participated with me on the old affiliate blog.
- Brandon Berndt
- Gambling Guide
- Dealer Dan
- Graham Rowlands
- Jeremy Miller
- Kevin McClelland
- OnlinePoker.org Blog
- Poker Affiliate University
- Poker SEO
- Successful Affiliate
- My Poker Corner
- BlackjackGames.org
- Casino Shark
Anyone feel free to contact me if I screwed anything up, I look forward to using my voice to share current events and my personal opinions to players and affiliates alike on this blog, the consolidation of the two sites should be very helpful in my maintaining focus and actually remember to post.